BlueSky Meeting Feature Requests

This workspace is for feature requests for BlueSky Meeting, not BlueSky the social media platform

Ability to clone a meeting from the previous year to be used in the current year.

Cloning a monthly agenda from a previous year, e.g March 2017 so that March 2018 begins with this cloned agenda. Then, with a few modifications the agenda can be utilized in the current year. A majority of times the agendas closely approximate the items from the previous year.

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  • Mar 8 2018
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    Bruce Clingan commented
    4 May, 2018 05:45pm

    This feature already exists in functionality that will be released Spring '18.  The functionality implemented will allow you to take any meeting and clone it into a template to use for future meetings.  Cloning meetings themselves was considered but raised some usability challenges and data integrity challenges that caused us to redirect this feature into the other.

    This should go out in the spring release.